chavil nomadic life

Nomadic life: the nomadic life of Iranian people in impassable mountains

Nomadic life: making a cabinet and returning to the village

Ali visits Fatima and her children in the village

Nomadic Life: The Troubles of the Chaville Family to Cross the River

nomadic life Ali's return to the village to meet his family

Farewell to Family: Ali's Return to the Mountain Cabin

The nomadic life of the Chavil family: Making room for the sheep with the help of relatives

Ali's nomadic life goes to the mountains to collect firewood

Nomadic life in Iran | Building stone and mud houses in the heart of nature

Nomadic life in the mountains: installing doors and windows for a mountain house

Nomadic life in Iran: a rainy day ☔️ and painting the house

Nomadic life in Iran: the mountain man repairs the place of the sheep

Nomadic life: Helping a man trapped under a giant rock

The nomadic life of the Chaville family in the mountains

Nomadic life in Iran: meeting Fatima's parents in the village

Salman's bitter farewell to the Chavil family

Chavil family moves to the village

The hardships of the Chavill nomadic life: covering the roof of the house with the least facilities

Nomadic life in Iran: moving Chavil nomadic family to Garmsir region

Nomadic life: building a winter hut in the nomadic area

Making food and sharing it among people

Making a winter house in the mountains

Nomadic Life: Chaos at Chavil Farm & Preparations for Demolition

Chaville nomadic life challenges: Froud interference for the family in the absence of Ali